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Earn $150 in 10 min's for free Over & Over(Passive Income 2021)

Earn $150 in 10 Minutes Over & Over 

earn $150 in 10 minutes-blog.theartofmakingmoneyonline.com

Today's article is about

Are you tired of seeing the big fat zero on your account balance, now you need some extra income coming in to support your family and bring the food on the table pay the bills to enjoy yourself sometimes?
nothing working-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
But nothing seems to be working everything seems too hard and you don't know where exactly to start.
everything seems too hard-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
Do you have that same kind of feeling as well in today's article let's turn everything around instead of seeing that big fat zero I will help you to make your first fifty dollars your first 100 or even your first 500, even if you never make a single dime online before?
your 1st $100-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
This is a proven strategy that works time and time again with minimal work because most of the work is already done by other people nothing gets easier than this no investment is needed this is absolutely free and this is available for all countries in the world.
the proof of method-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
In today's article I'm going to be talking about Fiverr affiliates now I know that a lot of you guys actually heard of this website before, don't worry we are not going to become a freelancer we are not going to sell any services on fiverr.com but instead, I will show you something special, something that no other people are talking about which is become an affiliate for fiverr.com, so in this case, you don't have to actually sell anything to anyone or do any services but instead, we're going to be smart and earn daily commission on the fiverr.com platform. By doing that we don't need any experience we don't have to sell anything to anyone and we can literally earn daily commissions by just promoting the fiverr.com platform. Nothing to worry about this is going to be a very easy tutorial for anyone especially beginners and at the end of this article, I'll show you a bonus that'll do 100 of the work for you.

Fiverr Affiliates

Let me answer your biggest, Question how much money can you actually earn from this website?

we're going to look into the commission plan and see how much money you can actually earn. As you can see here are affiliates.fiverr.com commission plans and there are basically two types of commission plans the Fiverr CPA 15 up to 150 dollars and also the second type Fiverr Hybrid.
fiverr commission plans-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
I'll explain in detail how exactly all of this strategy works. First of all, we're going to look into the Fiverr CPA commission where it can make around 15 dollars up to 150, but how do we know that we can make 15 or 150 because that's going to depend on the category and services that you actually promote now right here they're going to list out all the services.
man thinking about fiverr commission plans-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com

Fiverr CPA commission plan

fiverr CPA commission plan-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com


If you want to earn $150 in commission from just one single payment. you're going to actually promote the fiverr.com/pro services. so right now, I'll show you some examples of the fiverr.com/pro services that you can actually refer to other people.
Let's say for an example that some of the pro logo design services cost $800 up to $1000 dollars, sometimes can be more.
fiverr pro logo design services-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
Usually all the pro services on fiverr.com/pro they're a little bit expensive hundreds or even thousands of dollars and that's why they're going to pay you a lot of commission over $150. when you actually successfully refer a sale, and the coolest thing about this is that it doesn't matter if your customer buy's 100 services or 3000 services. you can still earn a consistent $150.
$150 commission from fiverr-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com

Targeting people for commissions

If you kept reading this article till the end, I'll show you a few strategies on how you can specifically target people and selling them and refer them to a lot of the fiverr.com/pro services where you can earn $150 again and again.
fiverr $50 commission services-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
Let's say if you're going to refer to other services fifty dollars commission you can actually refer other people to the whiteboard and animated explainers now when I click on the whiteboard and animated explainers you can see here these are all the services they can refer to other people and earn a flat commission of $50.
fiverr services explore-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
When you refer anyone to this service and they buy the service for even $15, you can still earn $50 which is crazy. It doesn't matter what kind of services they buy let's say if they just buy a five-dollar service for just $5, our $50 commission will be earned. Which makes this an incredible commission plan.
These are different categories that you can promote and earn a flat commission of $50 and right they're going to show you different categories for example web design and mobile design e-commerce development on this category you can earn $40 commission.
$40 fiverr commissionplan-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
And right there for $ 30commission you can refer them to logo maker web programming website content proofreading and so on this is where you can earn $30 in commission.
$30 fiverr commission plan-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
And from that $ 25 dollar in commission usually, it's about writing article writing voice-over virtual assistant, you can refer them to all of this category and earn $25 commission.
fiverr $25 commission plan-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
Finally, for the rest of the categories, you can earn $15.
$15 fiverr commission plan-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com


I'll show you the shortcut, which is the smartest way to earn money on affiliates.fiverr.com affiliate program and specifically target $150 commission over and over again.
shortcut for earning $150 commission from fiverr-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
Just want you to think about this if you can just refer one person to just one sale a day you can earn $150 a day which means $4500 a month and that's crazy.
wow $4500 per month commission on fiverr-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
you can simply refer people to these pro services on fiverr.com/pro or even this one. and the customer pays $105. you can still earn $150 in commission.
pro fiverr articles and blog posts services-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
So that's actually a much better way to make money on fiverr.com being a freelancer, you actually need a lot of skill. You have to wait for people to buy the services you have to spend a lot of time which is sucks and we are not going to do that and we'll just have to earn commission on the affiliates.fiverr.com and that was the first way to earn commissions.

Fiverr Hybrid Commission Plan

Hybird commission plan fiverr-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
Now the second way is actually affiliates.fiverr.com hybrid commission plan. instead of paying a very high commission one time they're going to pay you just $10, right. It doesn't matter what services you refer they're going to pay you $10 and then they're going to share with you the %10 of the revenue for the rest of the 12 months now.


Let's say if you refer people to the service which is $300, and your customer bought that service you are only get paid $10 only, but you can actually enjoy 10% of all the money that they spend for the rest of the year. Right, for 12 months.
fiverr.com services examples-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
But let's say if tomorrow or next week, next month or even the following months, whatever money your customer spends on fiverr.com you will still be earning money.
If they bought services packages from fiverr.com/pro, where these services value thousand of dollars. We can still earn 10% of all the commission that they spend so that's the entire commission structure that you can enjoy as well.
top pro services fiverr-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
But for me personally, I would actually prefer the affiliates.fiverr.com CPA method where I can actually receive the one-time commission straight away because that way I can receive payment faster and we can focus on the fiverr.com/pro services so we can earn $150 again and again.

affiliates.fiverr.com sign-up

That's basically how the commission plan works and how much money you can earn from this. if you want to join their affiliates program you can click on this link and sign-up.
affiliates-fiverr.com signup-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
You're going to select your account type, you can just choose on private as a person then fill up the rest of the details from first name, last name and your email address and your username. can just put whatever username that you want and your password and from there you can see under the country section you can just choose whatever country you're coming from because they're basically accepting worldwide and from there you can just choose your languages right there and your phone numbers and your skype number if you have. Right. that's actually optional and you can just click on the next button to sign up. it's actually pretty easy pretty simple.

Freeways to drive traffic

Freeways to drive traffic three ways to get referral to the fiverr.com/pro services. Right there we're going to take a look at the fiverr.com/pro services, so these are all the examples of the services that you can refer to and earn $150 in commission again and again.
drive traffic to fiverr affiliate link-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
From my personal experience, I think it's much easier for you to focus on this category which is graphic and design because it's easy to refer a sale on this category with just so many demands out there. it'll show you free ways to do it now when you go on to the graphic and design category.
graphics and designs pro fiverr services-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
For an example if you want to refer people to logo design. when you click on this category and from there that's going to take you to these pages you can see here, we can find different packages $700, $900, $200 and all of these different packages and it doesn't matter if you sell an expensive or cheap package, you can still earn the same amount of commission, so it's much a better way for us to refer them to a much cheaper package.
examples from pro fiverr services-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com


$350 pro fiverr services-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
As an example, this one $300 that saying I'll design a catchy logo for your brand so you can actually click on this link right here to see the example so right there you can see the service provided by this cell is actually level one seller and a lot of people actually love them and that's where you can refer your potential customers to this service and when they buy for this basic package $350 you can earn $150 in commission.
logo design services on pro fiverr-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
Now the easiest way for you to get a lot of referrals to this service is to go on to reddit.com, now basically Reddit works like a forum that is 100% free where you can join. And there are a lot of people asking questions on this forum.


We can write down some ideas of what we are going to search for.
  • How can I actually design my website?
  • How can I find a logo?
  • How can I purchase a logo?
  • How can I find a web designer?
question examples for reddit.com-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
so what you can do is that you can actually search the specific question on the Reddit search bar just like this one right here. "Where to buy logo" You can search for this keyword and you can actually see whether or not other people asking this question in the Reddit forum.
searching for answers on reddit.com-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
Let's try this one there's a "challenge to buy a logo does anyone know how or where to buy that" look at this, that's the buyer writing he's straight away asking people where can I actually buy the logo give me some recommendations. that's where you and I can jump in and show them the link and just refer them straight away to these fiverr.com/pro services and they're going to sell the services to them you don't have to do any of the work just put in a simple answer to that on Reddit. You can just repeat the process if just one customer buys one service a day you can earn $150 a day.
looking for questions on reddit.com-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
As we can see there is another example "does anybody know where to buy this logo sticker for my super key" right there "anybody knows where I could buy a golf g logo hat".
Question Picked Reddit.com-blog.theartofmakingmoneyonline.com
let's say if you want to promote another fiverr.com/pro service. You can actually promote this one right here I will design a photoshop website or website PSD, so basically it's like a website design graphic design mobile design.
photoshop services on pro fiverr-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
Go back to Reddit and search for web to hire graphic design so when you scroll down you can see how people are actually looking for graphic designers. "hiring graphic designer plus digital marketer full time.", "where can I go to find a graphic designer for hire" " is there a website or service where you can hire a graphic designer to do a single design for a reasonable price."
Look at all of these potential buyers who are looking to buy from someone. you can just go into that sign up for a free account on Reddit and just reply to that. send them a comment and you can leave a link and send them to different services. Or you can send them to this website design service as well when they buy a basic package you can easily earn $150 flat commissions straight away and I don't see a lot of people talking about it.
website design services on fiverr-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
This is just an incredible opportunity for you guys to do it for free.
take an action-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com
Here is another freeway that you can use that you can go on to say for example a forum let's say graphicdesignforum.com.



and let's go down below you can see here there are a lot of different topics that people are discussing different design different graphic design and that's where a lot of buyers will come into here and looking to hiring different graphic designers. Here where you can get a lot of sales as well.

explore graphicdesignforum.com website-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com

So, let's just say when I click on this category motion graphics and that's right going to take me to this forum where I can find a lot of discussion going on a lot of people looking to hire different designers and that's where you can refer them to the fiverr.com/pro services and making $150.

motion graphic design on graphicdesignforum.com-theartofmakingmoneyonlineblog.blogspot.com

I think by now we are able to go and try any of these ways that I explained and start making some commissions and don't forget to comment below with your commission's profits after you try all that was mentioned in this article.

Mahmoud Shepl
Mahmoud Shepl
A light worker who lives to make everyone happy
